Types of Tragacanth in Iran?
  1. Yellow gum: it is the gum of white Tragacanth which is called yellow or kharmani and is collected from the A. parrowianus Boiss & Hausskn species. This yellow Tragacanth species is a shrub with yellow thorns and is found or spread in Alborz and Zagros Mountains, Kermanshah.
  2. White gum: it is also called wire or shell like gum and is collected from A.  Gossypinus Fisch.Var Filagineus Boiss. This white Tragacanth is a shrub with yellow leaves, ovate and tip leaflets which grows in mountain parts of Iran like Jaraj, Hamedan, Kordestan and Kermanshah. This type is very high and premium in quality, white and bright in color and known as a valuable export product and high global demand.
Tragacanth names
  • Scientific name: Astragalus gummifer
  • Latin name: Astragalus gossypinus Fisch
  • German name: Astragel, Tragant
  • English name: Locoweed, Milk–vetch, Astragal, Cow-toe, Feal broom, Gum tragacanth plant
  • Arabic name: Kathira, Beizae, Makhlabolaghab, Ghatad
  • French name: Astragale, Tragacanthe
  • Persian name: Gavan sefid, Gavan panbei, Katira
What is Tragacanth Gum?
A useful gum is collected from many Tragacanth species which is of precious economic value and is used in cosmetic and medicinal industries. Among thorny species, some produce Tragacanth gum and two types named yellow and white are collected.
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